Social Shift: 

A Maturity Model for Social Change

Social Shift is a 5-step maturity model explaining the wide range of emotions and behaviours that arise during periods of social change - decoding how minority views grow and gain acceptance by the majority.

Learn through story

At times, directly confronting strong opposing views may not be the most effective approach, and exploring them indirectly can be more productive. Without a perceived threat, minds are more open to learning and taking onboard new perspectives.

For this reason, our story is set in ancient times, and reflects minority and majority views that adapt and change through the 5-step process. As workshop participants get to know the characters and the challenges each face, they begin to empathise with both minority and majority views. Each chapter emphasises a different stage in Social Shift, and is complemented with activities that validate emotions, prompt reflection, and group discussion.

Learn the Social Shift Model

Social Shift is a revolutionary maturity model designed to guide you through the nuanced terrain of social change.

In five transformative steps, Social Shift serves as a mature and balanced framework to explore the complex emotional dynamics of minority and majority views in the workplace, with supporting strategies for leaders. This maturity models supports:

  • Diversity & inclusion initiatives

  • Business technology and culture changes

  • Our world is complex with what can feel like growing polarity on many social constructs. This is exacerbated by technology and AI advancements, global conflicts and a blurring between work and personal lives. This has added another layer of complexity to organisational and team dynamics. Our founders recognised the urgent need for a solution that addresses these evolving challenges.

    Social Shift is specifically designed to help businesses and individuals better navigate this environment, and offer a structured neutral framework for diffusing tensions and fostering constructive dialogue.

  • Social Shift helps you and your team understand and manage the underlying social processes that can either bolster your goals or derail your progress.

    Social Shift is an active journey, encouraging introspection, understanding and dialogue. It helps individuals understand and identify where they may sit along the maturity curve and learn strategies to move the dial in a positive direction.

  • Yes. We have integrated cutting-edge research with practical application. Social Shift is built on a deep understanding of individual and group dynamics during social change, ensuring that it is not only scientifically robust but also finely tuned to the practical realities of organisational environments. With Burstive, you’re getting an experience that’s both scientifically sound, and pragmatically validated through real-world application.

  • Our workshops are crafted to ensure a supportive and secure environment, essential for delving into the 5 stages of Social Shift. We employ an engaging, interactive storytelling approach to stimulate group discussions and personal reflection. This method encourages participants to examine each stage from various viewpoints, fostering collaboration, mutual respect and understanding across diverse groups.

  • The current workshop is designed to be delivered in 90 minutes and can be tailored for larger and smaller groups. Each workshop session will require:

    - Between 10 – 50 participants

    - 1 x presentation kit

    - An audio and visual enabled room

Workshop participant

It was a real eye-opener to see why I have problems with people who are apparently on the same side, and how we set each other off.

Team Leader

I realised the importance of bringing people along for the journey and that the people aspect matters.

Team Leader

As a female leader, when I hear men complaining about not having opportunities, I used to say ”now you know how women have felt for years”. Now I know that’s not a great way of responding.

Workshop participant

This is the first model that presents my perspective. I am struggling with the changes, not because I don’t believe in fairness, but making the changes are hard.

Team Leader

This model and process was great –it demonstrates what I’ve encountered within diversity and inclusion, and also when bringing in new technology.

Team Leader

I thought they were just complaining and over exaggerating. This helped me see another perspective.

Want more information?

Download the Social Shift Maturity Model information sheet or contact us at