How we work…

On your desk

We offer a range of science-based, practical, self-administered toolkits. These range from:

  • Simple 1 page guides for leaders to refererence as needed

  • Engaging on-line training content

  • Large scale license-able models for business-wide implementation and in-house facilitation (train-the-trainer content)

By your side

We consult directly, on a few of our models and passion topics:

  • Foundational leadership frameworks

  • Social Shift Model education

  • SPARK Innovation Model education

  • Change Sponsor & Project lead coaching

  • Leadership team observations

  • Cross-functional teaming strategies

  • Difficult conversations

Over a coffee

Sometimes a chat with the right questions, is all it takes to get clear on next steps.

This 1-2 hour sessions with Marie and Anitra is simply a chat - to deeply understanding your challenges and find solutions that work with human. They’re like a coaching session deep dive for a leader or small team.

These are particularly helpful when developing your transformation strategy, and wanting to shift organisational culture.

Leadership today… it’s a whole new ballgame.

In 2024, our leaders face unprecedented complexity and demand.

At Burstive, we give leaders the science-backed tools they need to focus, and unleash team performance.

We draw on the latest research in organisational psychology and human behaviour to create engaging and transformative models and tools that address the key issues leaders face today.

How do we do it?

We do this with engaging, practical toolkits for leaders to implement.

We package these models so organisations can seamlessly integrate these new ways of working into daily practices. This includes:

  • Simple licensing options

  • Train-the-trainer programs

  • Engaging, gamified content

  • Toolkits with simple 1 pager guides

  • Online merchandise purchasing

  • Ongoing virtual support and coaching communities